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Belkyra™ Double Chin

Permanently dissolve fat under double chin for a sharper , defined jawline

Belkyra is the only FDA  and Health Canada approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells. Belkyra can be injected under the skin to reduce your double chin without surgery.

Treatable Areas

  • Double Chin

How it works

Belkyra is currently the only Health Canada approved injection to dissolve fat cells. The active ingredient in Belkyra is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the area under your chin, Belkyra targets and eliminates fat cells to restore definition to the neck and jawline.

Our Results

Why SkinArt MD

Injections are practiced only by professional, licensed nurses here at SkinArt MD. Book a free consultation today, and we will build a personalized plan tailored to your condition and needs.

Recommended Sessions

2 - 4 Treatments

Procedure Time

30 - 45 Minutes


Topical Numbing Cream



How Long It Lasts

24+ Months


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